A classical review on Krishna Sariva (Cryptolepis buchanani Roem. & Schult)
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Sariva (Hemidesmus indicus R. Br.) a well-known drug of Ayurvedic Materia medica has been in wide use since ancient times. In Ayurvedic literature, two verities (Shweta and Krishna) of Sariva are described. At present, different botanically identified plants are used as Krishna Sariva in different parts of the country. Hence an attempt was taken to review the drug Krishna Sariva and enlightened on properties, actions, uses, Pharmacological activities of Krishna Sariva. After reviewing Ayurvedic literature and scientific research papers, it is concluded that Cryptolepis buchanani Roem. & Schult should be used as source plant of Krishna Sariva and it have high medicinal values.
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