Literature review of ayurvedic concept of basti karma w. s. r. to enema therapy.

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Rucha Joshi


Most significant Panchakarma therapy process is called Basti. Basti is the most significant Samshodhana technique out of all of them. Basti is equally significant in Panchakarma treatment. As the Panchakarma treatment itself takes pleasure in Chikitsa in general. Classic literature places a strong emphasis on the importance of this type of care and highlights the wide range of its suitability. However, the origin of the word Basti lies on the reality that the Basti Yantra or the instrument that administers the medication materials consist of animal bladders or Basti. Consequently, as Sushruta and others have also mentioned,all those medications or medications that are inserted via the rectum with assistance belong to the group known as Basti.


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How to Cite
Joshi, R. (2024). Literature review of ayurvedic concept of basti karma w. s. r. to enema therapy. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 12(4). Retrieved from
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