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Sneha Ravindra Chadiwal Sneha Chadiwal
Pargunde Sheela Dinesh


Rasashastra is a branch of ayurveda that includes manufacturing of medicinal Preparation which contains Herbs, Metal and Herbo-Metallic preparation with dosage, indications, contraindication with possible adverse effects if medicines were not used or correctly prepared as per classics. In characteristic medicines contains basic three classes 1. Audhbhij (Plant origin) 2. Jangam (Animal origin) 3. Parthiv (Metal origin). Plant origin items were broadly utilized in all branches of Ayurveda compare to Metal and minerals. India have substantially more metal, for example, – Arsenic, lead, zinc, copper and so forth, which are utilized for treatment for different illnesses, Parada is one of them. Sanskara literally means a procedure by use of which there is enhancement in properties. Sanskara is the qualitative alteration done for improvement, enrichment, modification, lowering the bad effects. Parada due to its mystical importance in Ayurveda and Rasa shastra is briefly used for two purposes; Deha-vaad (Body rejuvenation) and Dhatu-vaad (Occult, Alchemical and Spiritual upliftment). To completely attain all the purposes, Ayurveda texts inform about Ashthadasha-Sanskar (Eighteen processes) required to purify mercury. Of these, only the first eight are recommended for Dehavaad (medicinal purposes) while the next ten steps are used only for purifying mercury in such a way that it can transform Lower metals into higher metals like gold (Loh-vaad). All Rasashastra texts contains different material and method for Ashta-sanskar So, in this current article we attempted to do the Review of Ashta-sanskar of Parad.


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How to Cite
Sneha Chadiwal, S. R. C., & Pargunde Sheela Dinesh. (2024). REVIEW OF PARAD ASHTA-SANSKAR. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 12(4). Retrieved from
Review Articles


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