To evaluate the effect on Katighraha by Shodhana & Shaman Chikitsa – A Single Case Study.

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Pallavi Kutaphale
Tarapure Shruti Ramesh


Katigraha is the commonest encountered disease. It is the condition which is characterized by stiffness, pain and impaired functioning of Lumbar spine region due to vitiation of Vata in Katipradesha.  This condition is not life threatening but it hampers the daily activity. Kati itself is one of the seats of Vata Dosha and the root cause of disease is aggravated by VataDosha. According to Ayurveda, it involves the Dushti of AsthivahaSrotas. Wrong posture is one of the main cause low back pain. A 50 year male patient presenting with Katishoola, Katigraha, Pristashoola, difficulty in walking reported in our institute. In Ayurveda, wide range of treatment have been mentioned which is effective in such manifestation. This case was treated with AnuvasanaBasti, Katibasti along with Shaman Aushadhi. From this study it can be concluded that Katigraha can be successfully treated with Ayurvedic treatment.


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How to Cite
Kutaphale, P., & Tarapure Shruti Ramesh. (2024). To evaluate the effect on Katighraha by Shodhana & Shaman Chikitsa – A Single Case Study. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 12(4). Retrieved from (Original work published October 12, 2024)
Case Reports
Author Biography

Tarapure Shruti Ramesh

Assistant Professor, Department Of Kayachikitsa,
Seth Govindji Raoji Ayurved Mahavidyalaya Attached Seth Sakharam Nemchand Jain Ayurved Rugnlaya, Solapur, Maharashtra 413001


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