Managment And Review Of Vandyatva (Infertility)

How to Cite

CHAUDHARI, D. M. (2017). Managment And Review Of Vandyatva (Infertility). Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 5(5). Retrieved from


Ayurveda is a branch of medicine which has served huminity since ancient time by both prophylactic and curative.
According to Ayurveda,Childlessness is described as Vandhyatva and is termed as infertility in modern science. Among all health problems infertility is one of main in todays life. nearly 10-15 % of the individuals belonging to the reproductive age group are affected by infertility. The rate of infertility is steadily
increasing due to change in life style, High pollution, socioeconomic cause, enormous amount of stress. In the present article we will see the overall management of Vandhyatva according to Modern science and Ayurveda.



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