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In Ayurveda Sushruta explained the concept of Asthi Vidradhi in Sushrut Samhita Nidansthan -9/33,34. which can be resemble like Brodie’s Abscess. Asthi Vidradhi is developed anywhere in the bone due to asthi and majja dushti by vitiated dosha. A case of Asthi Vidradhi (Brodie’s abscess) at Vam Antarjranghasthi ( Brodie’s Abscess at Left Tibia proximal end anterior aspect).
Brodie’s abscess is localized collection of pus in the metaphysis of bone. Brodies’s abscess is common at upper end of tibia. Brodie’s abscess usually cause by Staphylococcus. It can also develope due to tuberculosis, typhoid, syphilis also. Prevalance of osteo-articular tuberculosis is 1-3%. The character of the brodie’s abscess is during attack pain increase on walking and worsen in night which relieve on rest. It can lead to pathological fracture. This abscess has potential to develop osteogenic sarcoma. Slow evolution remain an essential factor in diagnosis delays.
A 28 years old female presented with complaints of swelling at left knee joint anteriorly since 6 months. MRI Scan of left knee joint shows A well defined sub cortical infective erosive lesion in the proximal shaft of tibia . Overlying soft tissue shows an infective collection. Possibilities of Brodie’s abscess . Patient was operated for Curettage of Brodie’s abscess under spinal anaesthesia. Tuberculous Osteomyelitis was diagnosed from HPE reports. Patient take AKT (Anti-Koch’s Treatment) regimen for 9 months for tuberculous osteomyelitis and 3 months alternate day dressing, follow up wound healed well.
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