A Randomized Open Controlled Study Of Aamrapatra And Jambupatra Kwatha Orally In Garbhini Chhardi With Special Reference To Emesis Gravidarum.

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Snehal Ramdas Kale


Pregnancy is most beautiful and emotional event in women’s life. Growing fetus depends entirely on mother’s diet hence a mother should eat well during pregnancy for healthy child and conversely an improper diet can hamper the fetus’ growth and may lead to intrauterine growth retardation or missed abortion or a large number of problems in the child. Since in early pregnancy, there is a hormonal chaos in the mother’s body, it often leads to Emesis Gravidarum.Emesis. Gravidarum emesis affects up to 70% of pregnant women. Symptoms are most common and most sever during the 1st trimester. Effects vary from mild to very sever in some cases and one of the obvious effect of this is dehydration and nutritional and metabolic imbalance. These effects take a serious toll on the physical and mental condition of the pregnant woman and thus, in turn, the fetus. Hence, management of emesis gravidarum with due gravity is of utmost importance. With an aim to study the potency of Aamra and Jambupatra kwatha administered orally on women affected by emesis gravidarum, this study intends to find an effective and reliable ayurvedic alternative to the predominant allopathic medicines. With the study and observational findings of 80 patients the efficacy of the kwatha is also discussed.

Keywords: Emisis Gravidarum, Garbhini Chhardi, ANC, Amrapatra jumbupatra kwatha.


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How to Cite
Kale, S. R. (2019). A Randomized Open Controlled Study Of Aamrapatra And Jambupatra Kwatha Orally In Garbhini Chhardi With Special Reference To Emesis Gravidarum. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 7(05). Retrieved from https://ayurlog.com/index.php/ayurlog/article/view/407
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