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Mahesh Annasaheb Patil


Abstract –

         Diseases are actually the manifestation of Pathophysiology wherein the body and mind is subjected to disorder in their normal functioning due to internal or external influence. Pathophysiology means physiology of disordered function1. The result of pathogenesis is imbalances in the harmony of normal health. There are number of  pathies which interpret different ways of pathogenesis in body and mind according to their fundamental principles .In modern science we usually see that majority of diseases are due to invasion of external foreign agents in the form of microbes, bacteria and viruses leading to infection and manifestation of diseases .. Whereas according to Ayurveda the equilibrium state of Dosha is health and their imbalance leads to manifestation of diseases2. In Ayurveda the external agents in the form of microbes, bacteria and viruses etc is given less significance in the manifestation of diseases.


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How to Cite
Patil, M. A. (2019). THE PATHOPHYSIOLOGY IN AYURVEDA. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 7(05). Retrieved from
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