Preparation and Standardization of Jatyadi Ghrita Rectal Suppository
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Jatyadi Ghrita is a very well known formulation used for wound healing, anorectal disorders like fissure, fistula or any chronic wound. These wound healing properties of Jatyadi ghrita can be used in modern dosage form like suppository, suppositories are used to improve local effect of Jatyadi ghrita because of its easy application and minimum local discomfort. These suppositories are made by fusion or melt method by using cocoa butter as a base, and melted mixture of both are poured into molds and after cooling suppositories are collected from molds and stored in fridge. Temperatures plays major role in preparation of this fusion or melt method suppositories. An attempt has been made for preparation and standardization of Jatyadi ghrita suppositories. Standard Preparation method and Visual examination, melting point, liquefaction time of suppositories are studied under this project.
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11. Remington, The Science and Practices of Pharmacy, Published by Pharmaceutical Press, Edition 22nd, Page No.942.
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