Relation between kshudha (digestion) and oja (immunity) according to ayurveda
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Digestion is the most important process to maintain the health. A healthy digestive system is essential for well being because every digestive disorder is caused due to improper digestion. Agni plays important role in digestion. In ayurvedic text it is describe that balanced condition of agni is responsible for proper production of oja. Oja is the essence of all the dhatus which are produce from digested food. It plays important role in building our immunity. Immunity cannot be produced only with immunity booster product but also proper balanced diet habits are important. In ayurvedic text hunger is also described as one of the cause of ojakshya. Oja is important factor for good health and relaxed condition of body and mind. This oja is depending on condition of agni. This article tries to show the relation between proper digestion and oja according to ayurveda.
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