Ayurvedic management in vataja abhishyanda w.s.r. to allergic conujnctivitis.
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Allergic Conjunctivitis is common problem predominantly affecting the outdoor workers. the eyes are exposed to different environmental factors. The eyes and eyelids are very common sites for Allergic reaction. Vataja Abhishyanda can be correlated with Allergic Conjunctivitis.
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Ingle, S. . (2019). Ayurvedic management in vataja abhishyanda w.s.r. to allergic conujnctivitis. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 7(07). Retrieved from https://ayurlog.com/index.php/ayurlog/article/view/459
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2. Prof. Dr KSD Himan, Shalakyatantra-Kriyakalpa Vidnyan.ch.9,Varanasi,Published by Choukhamba Vishwabharti, First Edition 2013,p-134 to 143
3. A. K. Khurana, Aruj K Khurana, Bhawna Khurana. Disease of Conjunctiva.in: A K Khurana, editor. Comprehensive Ophthalmology,6thed. New Delhi: Jayee The Health Sciences Publisher;2015.p.144
4. Shri. Bhavamisra, Bhavprakasha Nighantu, Haritkyadi Varg drug no.4, edited by dr.Brahmasankara Misra and Rupalalaji Vaisya, chaukhamba Sanskrit Bhawan Varanasi, 2013;13.
5. Shri. Bhavamisra,Bhavprakasha Nighantu, Haritkyadi Varg drug no.14,shlok no-75 to 77 edited by dr.Brahmasankara Misra and Rupalalaji Vaisya, chaukhamba Sanskrit Bhawan Varanasi,2013;25.
6. Shri. Bhavamisra, Bhavprakasha Nighantu, Haritkyadi Varg drug no.2,shlok no-36-37 edited by Dr. Brahmasankara Misra and Rupalalaji Vaisya ,chaukhamba Sanskrit Bhawan Varanasi, 2013;6.