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Acharya Sushruta, has given Agnikarma as an effective therapy for treating surgical diseases like Charmakeela, Arsha, Tilkalaka, Granthi1 etc. Sushruta has advised use of Shalaka for twak and mamsagata agnikarma2. So in the present case study, we have made attempt to apply Sushrutokta Agnikarma by Panchadhatushalaka on removal of charmakeela which can be co-related with wart in modem science.
Removal of Charmakeela by Panchadhatushalaka showed excellent result in present case study.
One patient of charmakeela was selected for procedure and procedure was carried out at SRC Ayurved Mahavidylaya, Chikhali. Therapy was well tolerated by patient without any complication and post-operative medication. Hence use of Panchadhatushalaka for Agnikarma as described by Shushruta is a best method to remove charmakeela, as it causes minimum trauma. It is easily acceptable by patient.
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2. Dr. Anantram Sharma, Sushrut Samhita part I, chaukhamba surabharti prakashana, Varanasi, 1st edition, 2001, sutrasthana adhyaya –no12, Agnikarmavidhiadhyaya, sutra no 4.
3. Dr. anantaram Sharma , sushrut samhita, part 1, chaukhamba surbharti prakashana, Varanasi 1st edition, 2001, nidansthana, adhyay no 02, arshonidanadhyaya, sutra no 19-21.
4. Dr. Anantram Sharma, Sushrut Samhita part I, chaukhamba surabharti prakashana, Varanasi, 1st edition, 2001, sutrasthana adhyaya –no12, Agnikarmavidhiadhyaya, sutra no 12.
5. Pandit Kashinath Pandey, Charak samhita part – 2, chaukhamba bharti academy, Varanasi , 1st edition 2001, chikitsasthana, adhyaya no.14, arshochikitsaadhyaya, sutra no.05
6. S.das, A concise text book of surgery, S.Das publication Calcutta, 4th edition 1999, page no.122.
7. Dr. Anantram Sharma, Sushrut Samhita part I, chaukhamba surabharti prakashana, Varanasi, 1st edition, 2001, sutrasthana adhyaya –no12, Agnikarmavidhiadhyaya, sutra no 16.
8. Dr. Anantram Sharma, Sushrut Samhita part I, chaukhamba surabharti prakashana, Varanasi, 1st edition, 2001, sutrasthana adhyaya –no12, Agnikarmavidhiadhyaya, sutra no .3.