Study of Physico-chemical properties of herbs which are useful in blood related health problems.
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Every plant is beneficial to us and has medicinal effect. We will first discuss about blood blood is most precious content of human body and its content are RBCS ,WBCS and platelets. Impure blood may causes various disease like acne allergies skin rashes stomatitius psoriasis ,fever and so on. So there is need of external as well as internal a use of medication. The herbs taken haridra, guduchi and amalki plays most important role in blood purifiction i.e. Raktaprasadana and Nutritious values in them. Study of organoleptic and physicochemical properties are important to check the identity and purity of drugs.these properties helps to take more effective drug in remedied. emblica officinalis, physico-chemical properties, analytical tests etc.
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