Clinical trials of shashtikshali pinda sweda in sandhigatvata w.s.r. to Osteoarthritis.
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Irregular lifestyle is responsible for early degenerative changes in body Tissue and plays important role in manifestation of such degenerative disorder. The effect on Sandhi by prakupit vata is main phenomenon in samprapti of sandhigat vata. Panchakarma is one of most effective healing modality in Ayurveda medicine it promotes detoxification and rejuvenation. Out of Panchakarma Sankar sweda is important for Dhatu Kshayajanya vata vyadhi as it specifies vitiated dosha also having Bruhan action gives strength to the muscles. In sandhigat vata Acharya Charaka mentioned repeated use of Snehana and Swedana so here, we used shashtikshali pinda sweda for 30 patients the osteoarthritis were selected for study.
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