nasya Role of nasyachikitsa in urdhwajatrugata vikara

How to Cite

Sardar, M. B. (2018). nasya Role of nasyachikitsa in urdhwajatrugata vikara. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 6(3). Retrieved from



Nasya karma is a therapeutic procedure where drugs are administered through nose  (nostrils) in specific manner to cure different systemic disorders though it cute majority systemic disorder Nasya treatment is mainly considered for Urdhwajatrugatavikar.As stated by ashtangsangrah,Nose is closest route to head (Brain)(AS.SOO 29/3)  so the medicine that used in nasya move from nostril in the channels of head and spread to whole interior of head and to the junction place where all the channels of eyes ears throat situated together thus influences head region by removing all accumulated doshas from head region and cure urdhwajarugata vikara as well as nourish the sensory organs viz eyes ears...


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