the Role of ayurveda in the management of cerebral palsy: a case study
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Cerebral Palsy is defined as permanent, nonprogressive and occasionally evolving, disorders of tone, movement or posture, caused by an insult to the developing brain. It is the most common chronic motor disability in childhood, affecting 2-3 infants per 1000 live births. In Ayurveda there is no single condition or disease which exactly show similarity with Cerebral Palsy. Vata vyadhi is the most similar condition to Cerebral Palsy. Ayurveda mentioned Shodhana and Shamana as two main therapeutic measures in vata vyadhi. The case study being presented is of a 5yr old female patient suffering from diplegic spastic Cerebral Palsy. So, Panchakarma therapy and Shamana chikitsa has been given and assessed on the basis of CNS examination, GMFCS classification and Modified Ashworth scale. The result indicate that the patient improved in presenting features up to 35%-40% as well as daily activities were also performed effectively by her. Ayurvedic treatment modality was effective in improving the milestones of Cerebral Palsy patients.
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