A literature review of Yonidhavan in gynecological disorders.

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Kaviata Mule


There are so many sthanikchikitsa (local therapies) explain in Ayurvedic StreeRogas. These procedures basically deal with the disorders of Tryavartayoni. All local therapies are reviewed through ancient texts and discussed with respect to their definations, site of application, duration of time, indications, procedure. Woman’s always face very common gynaecological problems like white discharge, itching at vulva, foul smell vaginal discharge, burning micturition etc.In such problems Sthanik Chikitsa have given excellent results. Yonidhavan is one of them, which is more useful as Sthanik Chikitsa in StreeRog Prasuti Tantra. Mostly kwath of drugs used for Yonidhavan.


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How to Cite
Mule, K. (2020). A literature review of Yonidhavan in gynecological disorders. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 8(02). Retrieved from https://ayurlog.com/index.php/ayurlog/article/view/541
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