A Role of Rasaushadhis in the management of streeroga & sutikaroga: A review
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rasaushadhi, streeroga, Sutikaroga.

How to Cite

Kokate, P. (2020). A Role of Rasaushadhis in the management of streeroga & sutikaroga: A review. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 8(02). Retrieved from https://ayurlog.com/index.php/ayurlog/article/view/553


A Healthy woman is the main pillar of the healthy family & society. In the todays era of 21st century due to change in life style of woman, overburden of job increasing mental stress & recurrent urinary tract infections causes physical & psychological disturbances by which woman can develops menstrual abnormalities during reproductive age. This may further result into serious gynaecological disorders like garbhini & sutikaroga.

            In Ayurveda, rasaushadhis (Herbo mineral preparations) are known for the quick result in very smaller dosages. The main advantages of rasaushadhis is its potency, effectiveness, longevity & also having most influential effect on various chronic disease. This review aims to collect in formation on some resaushadhis used in the management of streeroga like kashtartava, (Dysmenorrhoea) prodaroga (Leucorrhoea & menorrhagia) as well as Garbhini roga & sutikaroga.

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