"A clinical study to assess efficacy of rasapachaka kashaya in rasapradoshaja vyadhi - panduroga (iron deficiency anaemia) in females in reproductive age."

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Sonal Lohiya


Background: Pandu is a Rasa Pradoshaja Vyadhi described by Acharya Charaka. Pandu causes extreme debility as it is dominated by the symptoms like Palpitation, Fatigue, Dyspnoea on exertion etc, due to the vitiation of Rasa and Rakta Dhatu, which are the essential factors for nourishment of body. There is a correlation of Pandu with Anaemia of Modern science. Females in reproductive age are more susceptible for Iron Deficiency Anaemia due to regular menstrual flow and dietary inadequacies and ultimately suffer complications in pregnancy as well in delivery. The present clinical study was conducted to assess efficacy of Rasapachaka Kashaya in Rasapradoshaja Vyadhi - Panduroga (Iron Deficiency Anaemia) in females in reproductive age. Methods: Total 30 female patients of Panduroga in the age group 18-45 years were selected randomly. The study subjects were given Rasapachaka Kashaya in the dose of 1 gm twice a day after meals. Total study duration was of 90 days and assessment was done before initiation of study and at the end of every month. Results: The relief in symptom scores such as Panduta (Pallor), Hrutspandan (Palpitation), Shunakshikut (Periorbital oedema), Daurbalya (Weakness), Hatanal (Loss of Appetite), Arohanayas (Exhaustion during climbing), Pindikodveshta (Calf muscle cramp), Aruchi (Anorexia), Shrama (fatigue), Bhrama (giddiness) and Nidralu (Sleepiness) symptom was statistically significant (p < 0.01). Statistically significant difference was observed in objective parameters such as Haemoglobin level and RBC count (p < 0.05 and < 0.001 respectively) also in PCV and MCMC after 3 months of treatment. No significant improvement was noticed in blood indices such as MCV and MCH. WBC count found to be improved to significant level whereas ESR showed decline to statistically significant level. No significant change in Platelet count was seen over a period of three months, i. e. completion of treatment. Conclusion: The Rasapachaka Kashaya is found to be effective in the management of Rasapradoshaja VyadhiPanduroga in females in reproductive age.


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How to Cite
Lohiya, S. . (2020). &quot;A clinical study to assess efficacy of rasapachaka kashaya in rasapradoshaja vyadhi - panduroga (iron deficiency anaemia) in females in reproductive age.&quot;. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 8(02). Retrieved from https://ayurlog.com/index.php/ayurlog/article/view/556
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