A Conceptual study of use of Prajastapak Mahakshaya in BOH w. s. r. to recurrent abortion.

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Acharya Charak in Sutrasthan has classified drug According to their mode of action as “MAHAKSHAYA” and has defined mode of action of Prajasthapan Mahakshaya as that removes the Doshas which cause hindrance in process of conception and for the viability and sustenance of pregnancy. In this study aim would be to analyze the mode of action of each drug with its Rasa,Guna,Virya,Vipak and Doshagnta in conception and maintenance of Preganacy especially in case of BOH due to Recurrent Abortion where there is fetal loss especially in First trimester .Prajasthapan Mahakshaya executes its mode of action by two means : 1st-Maintainence of Healthy Environment of Conception.  2nd-Preventing the loss of pregnancy This mode of action can be established by usage Prajasthapan Mahakshya in First trimester of Pregnancy instead of use of Human chorionicgonadotropin and micronized progesterone as support in first trimester of pregnancy .Hence effort has been made to provide an alternative to Modern drug and Theoretical establishing the efficacy and pharmacological action of Prajasthapan Mahakshaya.


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How to Cite
shaikh, S. (2020). A Conceptual study of use of Prajastapak Mahakshaya in BOH w. s. r. to recurrent abortion. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 8(05). Retrieved from https://ayurlog.com/index.php/ayurlog/article/view/688
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