Efficacy of Plaksha (Ficus lacor) Ointment in the Management of Non- Healing Ulcer W.R.T. Dustavrana

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P. B. Jondhale




Chronic infected wound or non healing ulcer is a commonly encountered problem faced in surgical practice . wound healing property is most important pharmacological activity of Plaksh or Ficus lacor described by acharya Charaka and Bhavprakash . A 55 yrs old male patient of non healing ulcer having history of traumatic injury on right leg medially above the ankle joint .wound was irregular with hyper keratonized edges , purulent discharge with foul smell , itching , redness with inflammation. wound was cleaned with normal saline with aseptic precautions and malhar or ointment was used as external application for dressing on every day for one month and on alternate day for half month . Malhar or ointment was prepared on the basis of ‘Ras taranngini’, an ancient compendium .  vitamin c,  B complex and zinc supplement was given orally. At the end of one and half month wound was healed with healthy granulation tissue ,purulant discharge and foul smell was totally absent.


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How to Cite
Jondhale, P. B. (2020). Efficacy of Plaksha (Ficus lacor) Ointment in the Management of Non- Healing Ulcer W.R.T. Dustavrana. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 8(05). Retrieved from https://ayurlog.com/index.php/ayurlog/article/view/707
Case Reports