A Critical Review on Aagantuj Vrana and its importance in Vyavahar Ayurveda
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In Medico-legal cases injury has its own importance. Many types and nature of injuries are found. In Ayurveda the Aagantuj Vrana is described and has main role in causing diseases which is described as Aagantuj Vikar. In Sushrut Samhita it’s termed as Sanghatbal pravrutt vyadhi or Adhiboutic Vyadhi. After literature review of Modern forensic Medicine and Toxicology and Ayurvedic Classical text, it observed that the types of injuries mentioned in Modern Era was also same as described in Ayuvedic Classical Text. In this critical review study of Aagantuj Vrana and its importance in Vyavahar Ayurveda, concluded that as per Modern forensic Medicine and Toxicology and Ayurved both emphasized the importance of Agantuj Vrana which are caused by various types of injuries i.e. Abhighat or Aghat
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