A Critical Analysis Of Hypothyroidism In Ayurveda
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Hypothyroidism, Thyroid diseases, Agnivaishamyata, Gandamala, Ayurveda.

How to Cite

Madankar, S., & Yawatkar Prashant. (2021). A Critical Analysis Of Hypothyroidism In Ayurveda. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 9(04). Retrieved from https://ayurlog.com/index.php/ayurlog/article/view/899


            Thyroid disease is a global health problem that can substantially impact well-being, particularly in twenty first century globalization, modern technology, sedentary life style, work over load is increasing day by day & this led to various non communicable diseases. WHO says that, diseases of the thyroid gland are among the most abundant endocrine disorders worldwide second to diabetes mellitus. Nowadays, Hypothyroidism is the major problem manifesting in the whole world. Hypothyroidism is believed to be a common health issue in India, as it is worldwide. Hypothyroidism is defined as failure of the Thyroid Gland to produce sufficient thyroid hormone to meet the metabolic demands of the body. The prevalence of Hypothyroidism is high affecting approximately one in 10 adults in the study population. In urban India it is 10.95% & major portion of hypothyroidism 3.47% remain undetected. Female gender, pregnancy, childhood & old age having significant association with hypothyroidism.


Aim- To study the concept of hypothyroidism from Ayurvedic literature.

Objective- To study etiopathogenesis of hypothyroidism from Ayurvedic literature.

Observations - Various etiological factors highlighted in classical texts like Ati Sevana of Madhura Rasa, Mithyahara Vihar, Vishamasana & pathogenesis like Kaphaja Nanatmaja Vikara, increased Vata and Kapha leads to Medo Dhatu accumulation in Galapradesha leading Galaganda. We will be analysing different etiologies & pathogenesis critically with the help of various ayurvedic classics to justify etiopathogenesis of Thyroid Disorders in Ayurveda.

Conclusion – We screened Bhritrayi and Laghutrayi for different etiological factors influencing Agnivaishamya and Galaganda/Gandamala. We got Kapha Prakopaka, Agnimandyakara Nidanas predominantly for hypothyroidism.


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