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Anidra, Insomnia Severity Index, Matrabasti , Bala tail .

How to Cite

daware, pournima machhindra. (2019). AYURVEDIC MANAGEMENT OF ANIDRA - A CASE STUDY. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 7(05). Retrieved from https://ayurlog.com/index.php/ayurlog/article/view/384


Aahara (diet), Shayan (Nidra) and Bramhacharya if indulge with good sense then they holds body as that of pillars which holds a house. Nidra holds the key of life. Nidra gives rest to sensory organs, the mind and to the body also. Kapha plays an important role in the sleep of human being. Imbalanced Vata and Pitta Dosha cause Nidranasha . Anidra can be manage by Matrabasti. Reduction of Insomnia Severity Index from 21 to 14 within 7 days along with the increasing duration of sleep and quality of sleep. Bala tail is Shrestha Vatahara.

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