A study on the effect of vidangadi compound on lipid profile and fasting blood sugar
Sthaulya is included under eight undesirable conditions (Ashtau Nindita), Shleshma Nanatmaa, Samtarpana Nimittaja, Atinindita, Ati Brihmana Nimittaja, and Bahu Dosha Janita Vikara. Moreover, Sushruta has emphasized on metabolic disturbances (Dhatva agnimandya) in the etiopathogenesis of Sthaulya. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines BMI between 25 -29.9 is overweight and BMI greater than 30 is obesity. The present study is a clinical study to evaluate the efficacy of Vidangadi Compound (VC) on Obesity and type II diabetes. Diagnosed patients were selected from Ayurveda Teaching Hospital at Borella from the period of January 2015 to May 2016. Thirty patients (30) who had BMI between 25 to 45 and fasting blood glucose <200 mg/dl were included in the study. Subjective assessment criteria were the sympoms of obesity with proper grading whereas objective criteria were BMI, body circumferences, skin-fold thickness, Lipid profile and FBS. Data were analyzed by using SPSS statistical software. In this study, Vidangadi Compound (VC) in the form of pill was given 1 g (each pill 500mg) at 8.00 A.M & 6.00 P.M before meal for eight weeks with 5 ml bee honey. VC improved Sphik Chalata, Anga Gaurava, Anga daurgandaya, Ati- kshudha, Daurbalya, Sewedadikya, Uthsha hani, Gathrasada, Udara Chalata, Sthana Chalata, body circumferences, BMI, Skin Fold Thickness, Fasting Blood Sugar (from 96.30±1.63 to 92.61±1.58), Triglyceride (from126.94 ± 8.28 to 115.84 ± 9.02) and HDL(from 46.88 ±1.98 to52.13±1.01) in statistically highly significant manner (p<0.001). VC is composed of Katu (66.6%), Tikta (50% ) and Kashaya rasa (83.33%); Laghu (33.33%), Ruksha (33.3%), Thiksna (16.66%), Sukshma (16.6%) and yogavahi guna ( 16.6%); Ushana virya (50%) and Katu vipaka (83.3%). Collectively, these properties of VC are responsible in improving subjective as well as objective parameters of sthaulya especially Lipid profile and Fasting Blood Sugar significantly.
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