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BACKGROUND : Dhatukshayajanya Sandhigata vata (osteoarthritis) type of Sandhigata Vata is most common form of joint disorder comes under the various Gatavatas explained in Vatavyadhi prakarana. Owing to its morbidity, disability and difficult management it has been placed under ‘Ashtamahagada’ by Acharaya Sushruta. It is common amongst elderly and known to be major cause for chronic disability.
METHOD : A non comparative clinical trial with sample size 30 and study duration 3 months was conducted. Trial drug Devdarubaladi tailam from Sahasrayog, was administered 20 ml bd for 21 days and follow up of 7 days for first 1 month and after 15 days for next 2 months to check the reoccurrence of symptoms was taken.
RESULTS : Out of 30 patients, 21 patients showed excellent relief from symptoms, 8 patients showed good relief and 1 patient responded.
CONCLUSION : Dhatukshayajanya Sandhigata vata is characterized by dhatu kshaya and lakshanas reflective of vitiated Vata. Devdarubaladi Tailam having karma of agnideepan, balya, bruhana, ojovardana, rasayana, vatashamak, shoolaghna, vedanasthapana, shothhara proved to be effective in Dhatukshayajanya Sandhigata Vata results in the marked relief of symptoms and facilitates improved quality of life.
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