An attempt to understand the concept of PCOS w. s. r. to artavavaha sroto dusti
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is the most common endocrine ovarian disorder affecting 5 to 10% women of reproductive age. It is also known as stein- laventhal syndrome or hyper androgenic Anovulation. The main primary character of PCOS is irregular menstrual cycle which leads to improper ovulation. Exact pathogenesis of PCOS is not understood clearly, it may be discussed under following headings: Abnormality of Hypothalamic-pituitary compartment (Hormonal imbalance), androgen excess, anovulation, obesity and insulin resistance etc.
Srotas are the circulatory channels through which Dosha’s, Dhatu’s and Mala’s moves from one part to another part of the body. Each srotas has srotomoola, srotomarga and srotomukha. The moolasthana of artavavaha srotas are garbhashaya(uterus) and artavavahi dhamani’s(uterine & ovarian arteries). Artavavaha srotas may be categorized into Shonita artavavaha srotas which carries menstrual blood through blood vessels and capillaries of the uterus & Beejartavavaha srotas which carries ovum through fallopian tubes.
Abnormality of Artavavaha srotas causes Vandhyatva, Maithuna Asahishnuta and Artavanasha. Vandhyatva caused due to abnormality in chaturvidha garbhottpadaka(rutu, kshetra, ambu and beeja) samagri. Maithuna Asahishnuta related to vatala, paripluta, vipluta and shandi yoniyapada, while Artavanasha related to Vandhya, Arajaska and shushka yonivyapada. All these symptoms like Vandhyatva, Maithuna Asahishnuta and Artavanasha are correlated with common symptoms of PCOS which include Infertility, Dyspareunia & Amenorrhoea respectively.
As there is no curative treatment available in modern medicine, understanding of PCOS with reference to Artavavaha sroto dusti may be a ray of hope to treat PCOS with Ayurvedic remedies.
KEY WORDS: Artava, Srotas, PCOS, Vandhyatva, Yonivyapada.
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