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Dharmaraj Nagorao Lone


Agni in impartial state is the important factor for maintaining the health, Agni is required for the proper digestion of food and nourishment of the body tissues, so agni can be considered as symbol of life. Bala is the physical and mental strength of individual.

Jatharagni is chief among panch bhutagni and sapta dhatvagni. Agnibala & shareerika bala varies in respective rutu as in varsha & greeshma it is avara, in vasanta & sharad is madhyama and in hemanta & shishira is pravara.

The last seven days of a previous season and the first seven days of the next season called as rutusandhi. During rutusandhi the nature of dosha, jatharagni & shareerika bala is unstable. So study was undertaken to evaluate the relation between status of Jatharagni and Shareerika bala.


  • To establish relationship between Jatharagni & shareerika bala in ritusandhi kala (vasanta- greeshma and sharad hemanta).

  • To evaluate status of Jatharagni in ritusandhi kala viz. Vasanta & Greeshma (Adanakala) and Sharad & Hemanta (Visargakala).

  • To evaluate the status of shareerika bala in ritusandhi kala viz. Vasanta & Greeshma (Adanakala) and Sharad & Hemanta (Visargakala).



Healthy 150 volunteers were selected for the study in both vasanta- greeshma and sharad- hemanta rutusandhi and jatharagni bala & shareerika bala was assessed.


Results show significant relation between jatharagni bala and shareerika bala in vasanta greeshma & sharad- hemanta rutusandhi.


Somers d test & spearman’s correlation test was performed to determine the relation between jatharagni bala and shareerika bala in vasanta greeshma & sharad hemanta rutusandhi. Majority of subjects prevailed with Madhyama jatharagni bala & shareerika bala. It indicates positive correlation between the jatharagni bala and shareerika bala.

Keyword:   Jatharagni, Rutusandhi, Shareerika bala.


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How to Cite
Lone, D. N. (2019). A STUDY TO EVALUATE THE RELATION BETWEEN STATUS OF JATHARAGNI AND SHAREERIKA BALA. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 7(03). Retrieved from https://ayurlog.com/index.php/ayurlog/article/view/356
Original Reseach Article


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