A Conceptual Review of Prameha in Framework of Brihat Trayi
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Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a complex metabolic syndrome characterized by involvement of multiple body systems. It is caused due to absolute or relative insulin deficiency. The characteristic features of DM have close resemblance with different varieties of a disease named as Prameha in all Ayurveda texts. Acharya Charaka has mentioned Prameha / Madhumeha under Maharoga (major disease); as important body tissues (Dhatus) are vitiated. The disease, in which formation of urine and frequency of urination is more, is called as Prameha. All Doshas and Dooshyas get invariably vitiated in all types of Prameha. Only those which are vitiated in excess are specifically and separately described in a particular type of Prameha. The line of treatment for Prameha is dependent on various factors such as the Prakriti of the patient, Dosha dominance in disease, Dooshya vitiation, obstruction in Srotas, Manasika Prakriti, Ahara and Vihara, hereditary factors, etc. The Ayurvedic concept of management of Prameha emphasizes on dietary and lifestyle modifications for its prophylaxis and treatment.
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