Anatomical consideration of Urdhwa shakhagat avedhya sira.
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Sushruta samhita as the best one in sharira. Sushruta has explained anatomy of sira in Sharir sthana 7th chapter ‘Siravarna Vibhakti Shariropkram’. Sira is also one of the important structural concepts which are described by Acharya Sushruta. Siravedhan is an ancient method of treatment. Sushruta considered siravedhan as Chikitsardha i.e. half treatment of disease. Sushruta has mentioned specific sites for siravedhan as well as sites for Avedhya sira. Vedhan of Avedhya sira may cause severe harmful effect to body. Siravedhan is curative treatment in many diseases. So it becomes essential for siravedhan knowledge to find out the anatomical structure to which one can label as Avedhya sira and also to avoid complications due to puncture of Avedhya sira. Aim- To study Urdhwa shakhagat avedhya sira and its anatomical consideration. Conclusion- Avedhya sira are anatomical structures which are either deep vessels or vessels which can lead to harmful effects by puncturing them.
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