Comparative study of antimicrobial effect of brihati [solanum indicum linn ] root and fruit- an in vitro study.

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Sampada Dhongde
Shashidhar Naik


Brihati is a well known drug used in various diseases like dyspnoea, odema, wound infection etc1 .Both root and fruit are useful part of plant according to brihatrayi2-11.The study is undertaken for antimicrobial activity of root and fruit against Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus Caprae. If  antimicrobial  effect of root and fruit is similar than it is our duty to save the plant. No  need to pluck the whole  plant or root and use only fruit extracts for antimicrobial activity.However the literature mining reveled that brihati have not been studied for antimicrobial activities, hence the present study is first systematic attempt to analyze the antimicrobial potential of Brihati on selected strains.


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How to Cite
Dhongde, S., & Naik, S. (2019). Comparative study of antimicrobial effect of brihati [solanum indicum linn ] root and fruit- an in vitro study. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 7(05). Retrieved from
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