The effect of sindhooradi taila topically in pama with reference to scabies.
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Pama is described in kshudra kushtha as doshik predominace of pitta kapha. The symptoms like Kandu (pruritus), Pitika (papule formation), inflammation and Strawa (oozing) seen in Pama is analogous to the symptoms of eczema which is seen in mild, moderate and aggravated form. Eczema, also known as dermatitis an inflammatory condition, provoked by a wide variety of stimuli i.e. direct injury from toxic chemicals, mechanical trauma and immunological reactions, is defined as distinctive reaction of the epidermis to a variety of agents, endogenous and exogenous; very common in the developed countries. In modern science, the management of Pama is not so effective and produce some undesirable effects as compared to conventional methods of treatment as mentioned in ayurveda. In this study, we were taken five patients having above symptoms and we apply externally them Sindhooradi taila at affected sites and reduction in symptoms was seen.
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