Ayurvedic management of Ardit w.s.r. to bell’s palsy: a case study
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Bell’s palsy is an unexplained episode of facial muscle weakness or paralysis that begins suddenly and worsens over three to five days. A specific cause of Bell’s palsy is unknown. However, inflammation of facial nerve is probable considered as probable cause. its complications are inability to control the facial muscle on the affected side. lagophthalmos, pain around the ear. According to Ayurveda Bell’s Palsy can be correlated to Ardit. It is type of Vata Vyadhi in which Prakupit Vata dosha affecting shir, nasa, oshata, hanu, lalat, and netra. According to Shusharut samhita, Charaka samhita, and Nighantu ratanakar Nasya,Tarpana and Viddha karma are indicated to treat Ardit . Nasya of Ksheerabala 101Aavarthi tailam, Tarpana of Jivantyadi Ghritam were given to the patient for 6 months. After treatment patient had relief in above mentioned
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