"A critical review study on tamak shwas w.s.r. to copd from ayurved perspective."
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Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)is 4th leading cause of death and its prevalance is increasing steadily due to lifestyle changes and unhealthy habits. COPD includes Chronic Bronchitis and Emphysema, it is 2nd most common lung disorder after Pulmonary TB.According to Ayurveda,clinical features of COPD can be correlated with disorders of Pranvaha Strotasdusti and occurs usually in prolonged conditions of Tamak Shwasa.Etiological factors includes smoking,cold weather,dust,air pollution, chemicals etc which are also mentioned in Tamak Shwasa hetu-"Rajasa Dhoomvatabhyam Shitathanambusevanam Rukshanna Vishamashana".Identification,Treatment, Prevention and Control of COPD are important steps to be taken along with lifestyle modifications which are well explained in treatment principles and formulations mentioned in Tamak Shwasa for Prevention and Management of COPD.
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