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Dr Sameer Gholap



Delivery is a crucial phase in every female’s life span. Every woman expects normal delivery in her life. Child birth is a very Influential process and women is been well prepared for it. Notwithstanding of advanced health care in Obstetrical field high number of woman continue to die during childbirth due to causes like mismanagement of labour. Thus Antenatal, Intra-natal and Postnatal care is very important. A comprehensive sweeping antenatal care from conception up to delivery is given under subservient to “Garbhini Paricharya” in Ayurveda. In Garbhini Paricharya Acharyas have mentioned Basti procedure to facilitate Sukhaprasava (Eutocia). Moreover Madhura aushadhi siddha Taila and Yonipichu (Vaginal Tampon) are used in management Labour.


  • To study Anuvasana Basti and Yoni pichu in Sukhaprasava and establish its Ayurveda co-ordination.

  • To evaluate its modern co – ordination in Normal Labour.


Reviewing the modern science literature regarding Anuvasana Basti and Yoni pichu in Sukhaprasava and Ayurvedic classics, commentaries also recently published books and Research journals, collection done and attempt to get co-relation between Ayurveda and Modern effect of Anuvasana Basti and Yoni pichu in Sukhaprasava.


            In pregnant women due to distension of uterus it causes obstruction to pathway of Apanavayu thus resulting into Constipation, Backache and other symptoms. To treat Apanavayu Anuvasana basti medicated with Madhura gana aushadhi acts in right pathway and women can have a natural and uncomplicated delivery. Use of Yoni pichu with same medicated oil in 9th month enhances lubrication of Garbhashaya and Garbhashayamarga also reduces exhaustion of Prasava and makes Garbhini physically and psychologically strong.

KEYWORDS : Sukha prasava, Madhura aushadhi siddha Taila, Yonipichu, Anuvasana Basti.


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How to Cite
PAWAR, D., & Gholap, S. (2020). The ROLE OF ANUVASANA BASTI AND YONI PICHU IN SUKHAPRASAVA. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 8(01). Retrieved from
Review Articles


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