Role of Sharapunkha moola churna with Tandulodaka Anupana in Menorrhagia (Asrigdara) - A Case report
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Menorrhagia is a most common gynecological problem found in gynaec OPD. It is not a disease but it is symptom found in many gynecological disorders. Menorrhagia is characterized by the excessive bleeding per vaginum in amount and duration both. In Ayurvedic classics, Menorrhagia is termed as ‘Asrigdara’, means excessive discharge of blood per vaginum, backache, pain in lower abdomen and weakness are also present in this disease. Asrigdara, also known as Raktapradara, is mainly due to vitiation of Vata, Pitta and Rakta dosha hence, the treatment should be based on the use of drugs which are having predominance of Kashaya and Tikta rasa. They are known as best astringent and because of this property they plays important role in relieving bleeding discharge due to its Stambhana action. In Ayurveda classics, many preparations can be used for management of Asrigdara by considering factors such as parity, age & desire of patient with regard to contraception, future pregnancy etc. Which are non-hormonal, non-surgical & most effective without side effects and also cost effective. In this case, Sharapunkha (i.e. Tephrosia purpurea, Pers) mula Churna with Tandulodaka was selected for screening and re-establishing its specific effect in the management of Menorrhagia.
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