“Research Methodology in Ayurveda Samhita with special reference to Vadamargas.”
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In Ayurveda Aacharya has given equal importance to theoretical as well as practical knowledge to gain the practical skill and competency. Vaadmarga is one of the way of scientific discussion among Ayurveda fraternity. When we go through Vaadmarga it is observed that these where our ancient Ayurveda Research Methodology mentioned in different Samhita’s. With the help of critical studies and grammatical analysis we come to know that these are most advanced research techniques followed by different Ayurveda scholars to explore and establish new facts. It is also noticed that modern research methodology has many loophole by which data can be easily fabricated and misinterpreted. Such practices can be prevented by following Ayurveda Research Methodology i.e. vaadmarga. In ancient era, vaadmarga was universal method accepted by Acharyas for getting establishment and approval of genuine research. Current article will explore concept of vaadmarga in the light of modern research methodology.
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