The Role of Siravyadha in the management of Psoriasis a case study.
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DR BHAGYASHREE GOPAL PURANIK, D. B. G. P. (2020). The Role of Siravyadha in the management of Psoriasis a case study. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 8(06). Retrieved from


In Ayurveda skin disease are described under Kushtha. It is further divided into Mahakushtha and Kshudrakushtha. Rakta Dosha is predominant in Kushtha. Signs and symptoms of Ekakushtha which comes under Kshudrakushtha can be correlate with Psoriasis.  It produces significant adverse effects on psychological and social aspects of life mainly because of visibility. Psoriasis is chronic re-occurring condition that varies in severity from minor localised patches to complete body coverage. Kushtha Chikitsa is classified into Shodhan, Shamana and Nidanparivarjana. Amongst which Shodhan Chikitsa is of greater significance in skin diseases. Raktamokshana is an effective and safe treatment for Kushtha. Acharya Sushruta has mentioned detailed practical guidelines for bloodletting which is considered as Ardhachiktsa. Disease which does not get pacified so quickly by therapeutic measures like Snehana, Swedana etc. are specified by Siravyadha. This is a single case study to evaluate the efficacy of Shodhana in terms of Siravyadha in the management of psoriasis.

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