Exploration of the concept of Vikara Vighata Bhava Abhava w.s.r. to Prameha
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The concept of Vikaravighata bhava abhava is related to the formation of the disease, Prameha. It has been explained in the Charaka Nidanasthana 4th chapter. The Aim of this study is to assess the role of Vikaravighata bhava abhava in the formation of the disease, Prameha.
It gives knowledge to all the individuals about the causative factors of Diet and Lifestyle for the formation of the disease, Prameha. If the individuals avoid the causative factors of the disease, then there can be avoidance in the formation of the disease or delay in the occurrence of the disease. Even if there is Beeja dosha (Hereditary factor) of Prameha disease, there can be delay in the occurrence of the disease, if a person follows proper dietary and lifestyle regime.
Thus, the literary concept of Vikaravighata bhava abhava has a major impact on the formation and prevention of the disease, Prameha.
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