A review article: Significance of Jalavarga and Jalapana mentioned in Ayurveda
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Water is the fundamental constituent of Earths Hydrosphere and the fluids of all acknowledged residing organisms in which it acts as solvent. It is essential for all known forms of life, even though it provides no calories or organic nutrient. Water makes up greater than two thirds of human body weight, and besides water, we would die in a few days. The ancient literature of ayurveda explained significance of water along with property. Ayurveda explains various types of Jala (water) under the heading ‘Jala Varga’. Jala persisted Guna of all six Rasa considering that due to its unique property to dissolve each and every rasa individually. Water is considered to be Jeeva (life) in Ayurvedic perception. This article review regarding ayurvedic perpective of jala and significance of jalapana in daily life.
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