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Nirgundi Guggul
Janu Sandhigat Vaat

How to Cite

Dube, S., & Singh, H. (2021). A CASE STUDY ON EFFECT OF NIRGUNDI GUGGUL IN JANUSANDHIGAT VAAT. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 9(04). Retrieved from https://ayurlog.com/index.php/ayurlog/article/view/909


Sandhigat vaat is a vaatvyadhi which mainly affects the weight bearing joints especially janu sandhi (knee joint). It is an articular disorder of the musculoskeletal system which is insidious in onset and gradual in progression caused due to dhatushay (Age related) and vaat prakopak nidan which includes faulty life style and improper eating habits. Pain is the major symptom of the diseases which limits and hampers the day to day routine of the patient. The present management includes use of NSAIDS, Steroids and Surgery is the final resort. All these have immense side effects. Ayurveda is an ancient science which offers safer alternative and improves the quality of life, so its demand is increasing considerably. Janu sandigat vaat is described under vaat vyadi in various Ayurvedic texts including chark samhita. Ashtanghriday Etc which describes the causes, pathogenesis, symptoms (pain, stiffness, etc) and treatment of the diseases (Snehan swedan, vatis, gugul etc). Nirgundi guggul is mentioned for treatment of vaat vyadhi in rasendrasaarsangragh .As its contents are limited and it has no sandigdh (dubious) dravya thus the present case study was carried out to observe the effect of nirgundi guggul in janu sandhigat vaat.

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