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Infertility, Ayurveda, yoga, vandhytava

How to Cite

Gidwani, A. (2021). A REVIEW OF EFFECT OF YOGA IN INFERTILITY. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 9(04). Retrieved from https://ayurlog.com/index.php/ayurlog/article/view/924


  Infertility is the most common gynecological problem. Ayurveda has a long tradition og supporting and promoting pregnancy. There is no any direct link between yoga and fertility, but it is found that yoga does have benefits for those who are trying to conceive. It is not substitute for medicines. A regular yoga practice may improve outcomes for women going through infertility treatment. That is yoga used in concert with conventional medical treatment may increase the chances of conception. Yoga is the ideal ayurvedic exercise because it rejuvenates the body, improves digestion and removes stress. Automatically, these supports to relieve from somewhat factors causing infertility like stress, anxiety, fear, depression, etc and it also regulates the menstrual cycle by balancing the tridoshas.

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