Concept of Dhoopan Karma As Preventive & Curative Aspects In Diseases: A Review

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Ashwini Kailash Lothe Ashwini Kailash Lothe


Introduction: The key to man’s health lies largely in the environment. Air, water, and soil are
important physical components of the environment. Billions of micro-organisms exist in the environment in its ecosystem, certain kind of imbalance in good and bad microbial load of air, water and land causes various diseases. Disinfection of air, water, land is a serious concern of the present time, which has been already mentioned in our Ayurvedic classics’ In Janpadodhvansa Adhyaya [Epidemics] indication of Dhoopan Karma is mentioned by Acharya Sushrut. Dhoopan is very effective in preventive as well as curative aspects in various diseases (Epidemics). Dhoopan Karma is an integral part of Rakshoghna Karma which protects against microorganisms. In Kashyap Samhita, Dhoopan Karma is mentioned in Graharoga chikitsa and for maintaining hygiene in Sutikagara. Acharya Charak has also indicated Dhoopan Karma in many diseases, like Agantuja jwar, etc. Aim & Objective: To review the role of Dhoopan Karma in the present era. Material & Methods: Ayurvedic Samhita’s, journals, Ayurveda classical texts. Conclusion: In this review, it can be concluded that Dhoopan Karma is effective as preventive and curative in various diseases (Epidemics) in present era as traditional shield. Key words: Dhoopan, Rakshoghna Karma, Sterilization, Ayurveda ,Graharoga,Agantuja Jwar, Janpadodhavansa, epidemics.


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How to Cite
Ashwini Kailash Lothe, A. K. L. (2024). Concept of Dhoopan Karma As Preventive & Curative Aspects In Diseases: A Review. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 12(4). Retrieved from
Review Articles