The Clinical study to assess benefits of Gandhatail in Janu Sandhigat vata w.s.r. to osteoarthritis of knee joint at menopause – A clinical study

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Hema Dipak Hire


Menopause is physiological process universally affects all women who reach midlife. Menopause defined as cessation of menstrual bleeding one year ago. But in recent era it is turning major problem as women are getting early menopause i.e. ( Akalaj Rajonivritti) and it leads to menopause related problem like sandhgataivata . Sandhigatavata is one of the consequences of this process. Which is mentioned in classical text. The symptoms are swelling of joints, pain which increases on extension and flexion of joints. Which have similarities with signs and symptoms of Osteoarthritis mentioned by modern science. Sandhigata vata in rajonivrutti phase has to be understood under dhatukshajanya samprapti. Sadhigata vata mentioned under title of vatavyadhi .In India it is more among menopausal women. Women have higher prevalence rate of osteoarthritis than men. Association of sex hormone, obesity and working pattern with incidence and progression of OA in women. Obesity, sever physical activity clearly increases the risk for OA.

OA is degenerative joint disease occurring late in life characterized pathologically by focal degeneration of articular cartilage, subchondral bone thickening, marginal osteochondral outgrowth and joint deformity clinically by recurring episode of pain, synovitis with effusion, stiffness and progressive limitation of motion.

 An attempt has been done to study a case report by using Gandhatail the formulation mentioned in Ayurveda’s classical text for the treatment of asthivaha strotasa. It is vatahara ,shothahara (anti-inflammatory), shoolaghna (analgesic) action. It is said to be very beneficial for degenerative bone and joint disorders.

Keywords: Rajonivrutti, Sandhigata vata, Osteoarthritis ( OA), Gandhatail.



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How to Cite
Hema Dipak Hire. (2022). The Clinical study to assess benefits of Gandhatail in Janu Sandhigat vata w.s.r. to osteoarthritis of knee joint at menopause – A clinical study . Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 10(02). Retrieved from
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