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Polycystic ovaries & Anovulation are the leading causes for infertility in the society. Ayurvedic panchakarma treatment offers safe, genuine, effective, fast treatment option for the diseased. This is a single blind randomized clinical study on female patients suffering with endocrine disturbances like polycystic ovaries., Anovulation – oligovulation etc. The study was carried out on thirty patients taking regular ayurvedic medicinal treatment for the ovulation problems. Patients from age group 10 to 50 years of age were studied. Patients were treated with ayurvedic bodypurification treatment i.e. Panchakarma. First purification treatment for kaphadosha e.g.vaman done,followed by bastikarma for vata balance after one month. Patients were followed with monthly followup for 3 months. The response to treatment was observed in terms of improved maturation of ovarian follicle with establishment of regularity of menstrual cycle.The results of internal medications were aggrevated with vaman & basti treatment. So panchakarma procedures vaman & bastikarma are effective in endocrinal pathologies like polycystic ovaries, anovulation – oligovulation. Faster results seen might be due to influence on hormonal levels.
KEYWARDS : Ayurvedic panchakarma,vamana, bastikarma,significantly effective, Polycystic ovaries , oligo-ovulation, hormonal homeostasis.
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