Conceptual study on Efficacy of Kalyanaka ghritam in Vandyathva

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Dr. Revathy V. MD Ayurved


Susruta samhita is the treaties which are written by Acharya Susruta who is the father of surgery. Being a Rajavaidya he has shared his knowledge in Vishachikitsa through Susrutasamhita- Kalpasthana. Agadatantra is the science which is still under shade due to lack of treatise available in the subject. Here is an attempt to reveal the utility of formulation Kalyanakaghrita in Vandhyatva mentioned under Dundubhisvaniyaadhyaya of Susruta Samhita- Kalpasthana.

Methods: Information are collected from Susrutasamhita of Acharya Susruta, text books available in Dravyaguna and Streeroga along with the respective research articles.

Conclusion: Kalyanaghrita is such a wonderful formulation contributed by Acharya susruta. Utility of Kalyanakaghrita is massive in the field of ayurveda. Particularly in vishajanyavandhyatva it gives very good results.

KEYWORDS : Kalyanakaghrita, Vandhyatva, Utility of Agada yoga


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How to Cite
SANDIP BALASO PATIL, S. ., & Revathy V. (2023). Conceptual study on Efficacy of Kalyanaka ghritam in Vandyathva. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 11(5). Retrieved from
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Author Biography

Dr. Revathy V. MD Ayurved, Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar

Assistant Professor

Department of Agadtantra