Management of bph (vatashthila) by varun bark decoction (kwatha). : a case report
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vatashthila, kwatha, ayurveda, varun bark, nighantu, samhitas,mootrakrucha, mootraghata

How to Cite

Shaikh, P., & Bansode, R. (2019). Management of bph (vatashthila) by varun bark decoction (kwatha). : a case report. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 7(01). Retrieved from


(Vatashthila) Benign prostate hypertrophy (BPH) is one of the disease frequently seen in ageing male above 50 years old. Ageing  occurs as the testosteron level  decreases and oestrogen level increases.

The prostate gland which is normally about the size and shape of a walnut wraps around the urethra between the pubic bone and rectum below the bladder. Main function of prostate gland is to store and produce seminal fluid. A mans prostate gland usually start to enlarge after middle age, this menifest as a benign (non cancerous) enlargement of prostate that blocks the flow of urine through the urethra.

In early stage of prostate enlargement the bladder muscles forces urine through the narrow urethra that counteracting more powerfully. As a result the bladder muscles  become thicker and more sensitive causing more to urinate more often.

It is estimated that each year in U.S. about 1.7million of people have to visit hospital due to menifestation of this disease among these 4000 have surgical intervention.  In Ayurveda the enlargement of the prostate is called vatashthila this enlargement usually caused by imbalence of vata dosha.

By ayurvedic treatment, we can definitely prevent the prognosis of BPH in early onset age.

In this study varun bark is used for the management of vatashthila, bark of varun believed to have antioxident, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and urinary-renal supportive qualities.

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