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Nasya Karma is a kind of Panchakarma treatment for body cleansing used in Ayurvedic medicine. Administration of drugs by the route of nasal cavity is termed as Nasya. Panchakarma procedure is the most essential part of Ayurveda treatments. For medicine administration different routes are used in Ayurveda but to reach the “Shiras” , the Head it is difficult with other routes there by the “Nasya” is developed.In Ayurved diseases of Ear,Nose,Throat & Head and Eye And their Management are studied in Branch Which is Called as Shalakya Tantra.
Now a days Shalakya (ENT & Ophthalmic) Diseases are Major Concerned Because patient does not want to go for surgical procedure. Looking towards Ayurved, there are lot of Panchakarma Procedures Advocated for Shalakya (ENT & Ophthalmic) disorders. Among this Panchakarma Procedure Nasya Karma is the Primary Procedure.
Key Words- Nasya procedure/Karma, Panchakarma,Shalakya Tantra,Ayurvedic Management for ENT & Ophthalmic Diseases,Nasal drops.
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