“The role of Agnikarma in the management of Katishool by Pancha Dhatu Shalaka”
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Agnikarma is one 0f the important para-surgical procedure described in Ayurved Samhita. Charak, Sushrut and Wagbhata. Waghbhata even termed it is the best among all kind of therapeutic procedure in Ayurved armory because of non-recurrence. Katishool is one of the localized Vat vyadhi in which Prakupit vayu affects sandhi. According to Anshansh Kalpana of the katishool. The Vat viated due to ruksha and shit gun which leads to katishool. For the treatment of katishool to avoid the recurrence agnikarma by Panchadhatu Shalaka is used as alternative treatment.
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