Diet (aahaar vidhi ) and physical exercise (vyayaam): cornerstone in the preventive management of obesity (medoroga).
Main Article Content
Obesity is one of predominant metabolic disorder and leading cause of mortality during current times. It is analogous to Medoroga/ Sthaulya/Atisthauulya mentioned in Ayurveda treatises. Striking resemblance is observed in both conventional system of medicine and Ayurveda while describing its causative factors , consequences and preventive role of diet and exercise in its management. In this article relative review of literature concerned with Ayurvedic and modern management of obesity from preventive aspect has been carried out to tailor preventive line of treatment of obesity through diet and exercise in more effective manner. Study reveals that it is the need of hour to link the knowledge of diet and proper physical exercise with the science of healing to prevent or manage diseases like obesity. Individualistic approach must be followed for dietary regimen and exercise pattern for management of obesity. Concepts of Prakriti, Agni, method of eating should be paid equal attention while deciding ones dietary and exercise regimen to prevent/control obesity .
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